Friday, July 6, 2012

Flannel Friday: Whooo Whooo?


was ready for

Flannel Friday?

I sure wasn't!

Whew! What a week!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday. It was kind of strange to celebrate the 4th of July in the middle of a work week, wasn't it?

It kind of threw me off and it just doesn't feel like Friday to me today but I guess it is. :o}

I need to take a quick look around to see what I can share this week for Flannel Friday ~ since it snuck up on me!

Hmmmm... let me see.

Oh, here we go! Even though I usually save my Owl theme for the Fall, I recently found something that is getting me excited for my next Owl storytime.

Today is just as good as any to share my FUN FIND with you.

If you are new to my blog, you might be asking yourself, "What's a FUN FIND?"

You can find your answer here. But once I share a little more you will probably figure it out. ;o) 

While visiting my local Michael's (which I do quite often!) ~ I found the cutest little birds on the clearance aisle. They were:


But not just any old Owls!

They were cute little Owl HATS!

Isn't he adorable?
I found several of the owl hats but a few were missing pieces like a beak or a wing. That was okay because the missing pieces would easily be replaceable with a few pieces of scrap fun foam. Besides ~ I really just wanted one of them for a pattern.

I had plans racing through my mind for making five owl hats to go with a fun counting rhyme about owls. Plus, I wanted to make the owls all different colors so we could practice our color recogntion and ASL color signs.

These cute owl hats were perfect for this activity.

And the icing on the cake was the price!  

They were only .25 each!

Definitely a bargain!

A real Fun Find!  

I bought all the hats I could find for that price! :o) I used one of the owl hats with missing pieces to make a pattern for my own felt hats. It peeled apart pretty easily which then allowed me to trace around the pieces to make the pattern. Then I cut the pattern from felt and glued it together using Tacky glue which seems to hold the best for me.

The process was quick and easy!

Here is one of my felt owl hats:

Isn't she adorable, too?

With five owl hats in different colors, I will be able to share an awesome Color and Counting Rhyme with my storytime friends. I will choose five friends to come up and help act out the rhyme while everyone else helps by doing the ASL signs for the words that we know ~ such as owl, moon, tree, numbers one through 5, and all of the appropriate colors.

If the group is small enough, I will repeat the rhyme until everyone who wants to be an owl can have a turn.

Five Colorful Owls

One blue owl when the moon was new,
Along came a green one and that made 2.
1 - 2

Two little owls perched high in the tree,
Along came a yellow owl and that made 3.
1 - 2 - 3

Three little owls flew past the barn door,
Along came an orange owl and that made four.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Four little owls sitting side by side,
Along came a red owl and that made five.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Five little owls hooted, "Whoo, whoo, whoo,"
And they all flapped their wings and away they flew.
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

There are lots of fun songs and fingerplays about owls so I am sure I will be sharing some more ideas for an owl theme in the coming months. I also have plans for an owl snack or two! So ~ if you are like me and you love owls ~ be sure to check back again soon.

Maybe I will even have a picture of the tiny barn owl that lives in my backyard here in Florida to share with you. Very sweet!

In the meantime, you might enjoy exploring these interesting owl books with your little ones:

Owl Babies
written by Martin Waddell

WOW! Said the Owl
written by Tim Hopgood

Little White Owl
written by Tracy Corderoy

Thanks for stopping by today. :o) I hope each of you has a nice, relaxing weekend!

And, as always,


The round-up for Flannel Friday this week is being hosted by Mary at her blog, Miss Mary Liberry.

***Special Note: By the way, I will be offering my storytime friends an opportunity to make their own owl hats out of cardstock. They will be able to choose the color of the owl that they want to be. If you would like to make your own owl hats using the same pattern, please email me at and I will share the template with you. Just put "owl hat template" in the subject line of your email so that I don't miss it.



  1. What an AWESOME preschool theme! I'm going to have to do this with my preschoolers! And thanks for joining the Planet Weidknecht weekend hop!

  2. Wow! I'm going to be spending a whole bunch of time on your blog! I am a former Kindergarten teacher - I eat this stuff up!
    Thanks for linking up with SASS this week!
