Friday, July 13, 2012

Flannel Friday: Once I Saw an Octopus

It's Friday!

And this week, it is time for some

Fun in the Ocean!

Since moving to Florida, I have really come to enjoy doing storytimes about the beach and ocean animals. They are really fun topics and it is very easy to find books and activities about all kinds of ocean animals. 

Today, I want to share some ideas for one of my personal favorites ~ the Octopus!

Let me introduce you to ~

~ Octavia the Octopus ~

Isn't she sweet?
And she even has a couple of surprises for you!
I created Octavia out of light pink and bright pink felt. I cut her head and tentacles out of light pink and then I cut more tentacles out of the bright pink. I added her mouth with bright pink embroidery thread. Then I added her eyes using a small blue sequin and a larger silver sequin sewn on with blue thread. Next, I added three silver sequins to each of her eight legs using bright pink thread.
I'm not sure why the color is so off in this picture. :o(
The sequins are silver...

Before I describe how to put Octavia together, I need to share her first secret:

She is reversible!

How cool is that?!??!!
I made Octavia reversible because I wanted to use her with the rhyme, An Octopus is Sleeping (words provided below). I enbroidered her closed eyes with black embroidery thread. She looks like she is dreaming peacefully, doesn't she?

I attached the dark pink tentacles to the inside of the light pink ones. Then I sewed the head(s) together along the outside edge. I left the lower part of the head (right above the tentacles) open because Octavia is a:

Finger Puppet!

To use her as a finger puppet, you just slip your finger up between the tentacles and she is ready to swim all around!

Here are two rhymes that I use her with :

An Octopus is Sleeping

An octopus is sleeping
At the bottom of the sea.
(Show the side of the puppet with the eyes closed)
Her eyes are closed up tightly,
She can't see you or me.
(Shake your head "no")

But if she senses danger,
Her eyes will open wide.
(Turn the puppet to show the side with the eyes open)
Then she'll quickly swim away
Back to her den to hide.
(Swim the puppet behind our back)

Once I Saw an Octopus

Once I saw an octopus,
In the deep blue sea.

I called "Hey there, Octopus!
Won't you swim with me?"

Then out came her tentacles,
So very long and straight.

One and two and three and four,
Five and six and seven and eight.

My storytime friends love these rhymes!  I think your little one(s) will love them, too. :o)


Along with the fun rhymes, I think you and your child(ren) might enjoy sharing a few of these books about octopi to learn more about this interesting ocean animal:

Octopus Under the Sea
written by Connie Roop

Tickly Octopus
written by Ruth Galloway

An Octopus is Amazing
written by Patricia Lauber

Jolly Olly Octopus
written by Tony Mitton

While learning about octopi, you might also enjoy making an octopus hat with your little one(s). My storytime friends were very creative when making their octopus hats at this week's storytime. Here are a few of their creations:

*I will be posting instructions for the Octopus Hats very soon. They are simple and inexpensive to make. :o)

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend and, as always,


This week’s Flannel Friday Round Up is hosted by Katie at Storytime Katie.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow what great octopus ideas. I shall link to it with my letter O post. Thanks for sharing.
