Saturday, July 21, 2012

Not a Flannel Friday: Gray Dolphin, Gray Dolphin, What Do You See?

This week for our Flannel Friday Round-Up, I am sharing one of my oldies ~ but goodies! :o)

It is an ocean-themed flannel set based on the book,

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
written by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle

For this week, my story is titled, Gray Dolphin, Gray Dolphin, What Do You See? But I change the title and the first animal in the story if i am focusing on a specific animal in my storytime. For example, if my storytime is about octopi like it was last week, then I name my story ~ Pink Octopus, Pink Octopus, What Do You See? ~ and I start with the octopus.

I have plans to remake the characters for this story out of felt ~ in fact, I made my first felt ocean friend last week ~ Octavia the Octopus!

I am in the process of making some felt ocean friends for Octavia. They will make an appearance in a future Flannel Friday Round-Up. In the meantime, I am sharing my old ocean friends who have been used often and are very well-loved!

They are made from construction paper, laminated, and have a magnet on the back so that can be used on my magnetic board.

Here are my old friends:

Gray Dolphin, Gray Dolphin,
What Do You See?

Gray Dolphin, Gray Dolphin, what do you see?
I see a Red Lobster crawling by me.

Red Lobster, Red Lobster, what do you see?
I see an Orange Crab crawling by me.

Orange Crab, Orange Crab, what do you see?
I see a Yellow Seastar crawling by me.

Yellow Seastar, Yellow Seastar, what do you see?
I see a Green Sea Turtle swimming by me.

Green Sea Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, what do you see?
I see a Blue Whale swimming by me.

Blue Whale, Blue Whale, what do you see?
I see a Purple Jellyfish floating by me.

Purple Jellyfish, Purple Jellyfish, what do you see?
I see a Pink Octopus swimming by me.

Pink Octopus,  Pink Octopus, what do you see?
I see lots of divers swimming by me.

And, of course, the divers are the children in storytime. It is their turn to help tell the story!

Children, Children, what do you see?
We see:
a Gray Dolphin,
a Red Lobster,
an Orange Crab,
a Yellow Seastar,
a Green Sea Turtle,
a Blue Whale,
a Purple Jellyfish,
a Pink Octopus
swimming by us.

We see a beautiful ocean
full of wonderful sea creature all around us!

I use these ocean friends for several other songs, as well. They are very versatile and, as I already said, very well-loved! I highly recommend having a set of ocean friends for all your ocean-themed storytimes or lessons. They can also be used for a Pirate theme, too!

I know you and your child(ren) will have fun with them!

And, as always,

Happy Reading Together!


I am the host for the Flannel Friday Round-Up this week. It is a Blog Hop so you will find the rest of the entries below.

If you are interested in my other ABC'S Blog Hops, you can find them here.

And, for more information about the awesome Flannel Friday group, please visit their website here.

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