Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bug ABC'S Blog Hop

It is time to start a new Blog Hop
 It's a 
Bugs ABC'S Blog Hop

Did I just hear someone say, "Eeeeeew!"?!??!!
Well, it must have been one of you grown-ups because most kids LOVE any and all kinds of bugs! :o) 

They love looking at them, reading about them, touching them, and sometimes even trying to eat them!
Now that is an "Eeeeeew!" moment if I ever heard one! 

But, even with that in mind, this Blog Hop is going to be lots of fun to explore with your little ones! So let's getting buzzing and check out all the exciting and creative bug ideas!

Quick note:
My first Blog Hop ~ Frog ABC'S Blog Hop ~ and my second Blog Hop ~ Eggs and Chicks ABC'S Blog Hop ~ have been well received and we have lots of links on both now. Whoo hoo! I have had several people contact me about wanting to link up to them but not having the time to do it yet. The time was extended. :o)
 Also, I can always add after the deadline has passed.  So if anyone writes a post about frogs or eggs and chicks or comes across a cool idea about any of the topics of my blog hops after the deadlines, please send me a message and I'll add the links. I can be contacted at storytimeabcs(at)gmail(dot)com for any questions or issues.

For my new visitors, ABC'S (Activity, Books, Crafts, and Snacks) Blog Hops are an excellent way to "resource-build" whether you are:
  •    a parent looking for something fun to do w/ your child as you spend quality time together
  •    a preschool teacher looking for exciting new learning activities for your classroom
  •    a children's librarian looking for creative ideas to add to your storytime repertoire
  •    a leader of a Mom's group looking for simple easy ideas to share with your group
  •    actually anyone interested in Early Literacy and Early Childhood Education

And besides being a good resource, Blog Hops are just plain FUN!

So, let's get hopping:

Bugs ABC'S Blog Hop

Creating a Blog Hop means we will be collecting all kinds of resources that are about bugs and insects, such as ants, bumblebees, caterpillars, dragonflies, grasshoppers, ladybugs, and even spiders! And any other bug you can think of ~ real or imaginary!

To get us started, I am going to share a few resources from the different areas that my blog covers.

(Includes: Learning Games, Creative Movement Activities, Songs, Dances, and so much more!)

This is a game called "Pass the Bumblebee".

This particular game is based on "Pass the Beanbag" and can be tweaked for all kinds of fun!
I will be sharing more information about it in the Blog Hop once I have the post ready. It is lots of fun so you will want to keep and eye out for it!

(Please feel free to include any recommendations for Children's books 
~ new and classic and in-between 
I love learning about new versions of an old classic, don't you?)
This is a bright, colorful book about all kinds of bugs!

(Can be anything crafty that we can use our hands to create. 
We love anything colorful and recycle-able ~ and messy, too!)
Fun, interactive Story Craft based on the Caterpillar~Butterfly Lifecycle.

(Some might be healthy and good for you! 
But, I guarantee, some of my contributions will be 
ooey, gooey and chocolatey! LOL! )
Delicious Ladybug Cookies! Directions to be posted soon.

That is an example of the types of things we will be sharing on  the Bugs ABC'S Blog Hop

When you share your ideas, please don't limit yourselves to just these categories though. Anything you post yourself or you find on the internet that is related to learning about Bugs is fine to link up. 

I am really looking forward to exploring what is shared!

I'll mention one more type of post that I personally LOVE!

 I call them:
Fun Funds:
(Any awesome purchase that can be turned into a learning activity, craft, or snack 
or just any item that can be re-purposed for a little fun with your child!)

This is a "bug catcher" that I found for at least 1/2 off after Easter.

I love finding cool items that I can make into learning games or use for an unusual craft or giveaway at my library programs and birthday parties!

Okay, enough of me sharing already! We need to get to the nitty gritty of the Blog Hop so you can share, too.

Here's what to do:
  • Write a blog post showcasing any activitybookcraft, snack, or other idea about Bugs or link to one that is already posted on your blog. You can share a flannel or magnetic board set that you created for a song or fingerplay about Bugs. You can share an old classic children's book about Bugs that you love sharing at storytime or bedtime with your child or that brand new book about Bugs that you are adding to your "must read" list. You can share your latest craft that you created last week or a yummy snack that you found on Pinterest and decided to try yesterday when it was rainy outside. You can even share a website that shows a real ant colony or bee hive, if you like! Anything about Bugs will do! It is all up to you!
  • Next, add your link to this post by clicking on the "Click here to enter" link at the bottom of the page and following the instructions. Make sure you link to your specific blog post, not to your homepage, and choose a picture and give it a caption.
  • And the final step to making this a successful Blog Hop that benefits everyone ~ please click on "Get the code here" and follow the steps to adding the Blog Hop to your post. This step is what actually creates the links between all of the participating blogs so that a visitor to one blog will be able to visit any of the other blogs with just a click. Please don't forget to link-up! Another benefit to this step is that you will quickly see from your blog when another blog has linked up and you will be able to check out their contribution. That means less time blindly searching for new Bugs ideas for your next storytime at your library or circle time in your preschool class or playdate with your Mom's Group or your child's best friend.
And it is as simple as that!

Have fun!

 Be sure to grab the Bugs ABC'S Blog Hop button if you link up.
Just grab the code from the sidebar on the right.
Cute bugs, aren't they? 
Oh, and I added a Bugs ABC'S Blog Hop board on Pinterest. Check it out here.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog!

And, as always,




  1. SASS... You have the best ideas and activities for preschoolers. I always try to tie a book into a lesson. It's my favorite thing about working with little ones. Already a follower! Loving your blog!

  2. oh wow! Another amazing new blog that I've discovered through SASS this week! Thanks so much for linking up - I will definitely be using some of your ideas this summer! Love your blog!

    As a former Kindergarten teacher, I truly appreciate the hard work you've put into your ideas!


  3. Thanks for sharing. So many great ideas to do with kids!


  4. Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and inviting me to link up my butterfly post. It does fit in perfectly!

    Next I'm going to add the button to my post, and follow you!


  5. i love your blog hops and so glad i found your blog
