Thursday, July 19, 2012

Flannel Friday Round-Up for July 20, 2012

It is time for the Flannel Friday Round-Up

I am excited to be hosting Flannel Friday this week. I love reading everyone's creative posts! I get so inspired by all the fun ideas!

This is my second time to host and I am looking forward to introducing a new way to post your contributions. Over the past few weeks, other hosts have used "linking tools" to allow you to "link-up" your ideas. I LOVE the link-ups because I find them much easier to use ~ and, since I like to visit everyone's post each week, I love that I can do it so much quicker with the link-ups. Does anyone else find it faster to visit the blogs through the link-ups?

I have been using a different linking tool on my own blog for a few months. It is Linky Tools. I use it for my Blog Hops (I hope you will check them out and link up any of your past or future posts that fit the theme of the Blog Hops). Linky Tools allows the participants in  the Blog Hops to link a photo from their site. I love this thumbnail option because you can quickly see if an idea is what you are looking for. It is very Pinterest-y! 

Plus, I am a visual person so I just enjoy looking at all of the pictures. ;o)

There are several really cool benefits to using Linky Tools for groups like Flannel Friday. I won't get into them here but I will try to explain a few in my Flannel Friday post this week. For now, let's get this Round-Up started! 

To add your post to the Round-Up, click on the "click here to enter" link below. It will open a window where you will be asked to follow several steps:

1. Add your blog post's url. Please remember to link to your specific post ~ don't post the url to your blog's main page. 

2. Give your post a title. You may use only 30 characters so choose wisely. 

3. You can skip this step. It asks for your name and email but it is not necessary. If you do choose to enter your name and/or email, it will not show in the link-up.

4. This is the fun part! Add a photo from your blog post. First, decide if you want to crop your own picture or use autocrop. Next, click on "From the Web" button. This will open up a window that will display pictures from your blog. Click on the one you want to use.

Viola! You are done! And it is time to click through all the other posts. :o)

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment below, post a comment on the Flannel Friday Facebook page, email me at or catch me on Twitter ~ I am @StorytimeFun.

If you want me to do the linking up for you, just leave your post's link in the comments below ~ exactly as you would in past Round-Ups. I will add you to the list. 

For anyone who is new to Flannel Friday and curious about this awesome group of guys and gals, you can check out the Flannel friday website here.

Have fun!
~ K ~

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