Saturday, August 11, 2012

Finger Puppet Blog Hop

This Blog Hop is a place to find awesome ideas for creating your own finger puppets. And to also find resources for unique, fun ways to use those finger puppets for learning activities in storytimes, classrooms, and ~ even in your own home with your own child/ren!

For the purpose of this collection, finger puppets can be made from any type of materials ~ although my favorite puppets are fast becoming the ones made from felt

I have come across directions for making some cute finger puppets that were created from unusual papers or crocheted from colorful yarns. Finger puppets that are made from all kinds of materials are welcome! 

Oh, and store-bought puppets are welcome, too ~ just be sure to share where you found them, please. :o)

The puppets can be individual ones that fit nicely on one finger:

Or they can be ones that are used along with a glove:

I hope you will link up if you have a post about how to make some finger puppets or how to use them for creative learning activities. The more posts ~ the more fun for all of us!

 I also hope you will share this post with anyone who might be able to enjoy sharing finger puppets with a child. There is just something about a little finger puppet that brings a huge smile to a little one's face!


1 comment:

  1. Finger puppet is very popular specially among kids. kids love these finger puppets.
    ventriloquist puppets for sale
