Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Storytime Craft: "Don't Forget ~ I Love You!" Note Holder

With Mother's Day fast approaching, I want to share one of my most popular Storytime Crafts. It is a simple, yet loving gift for any special lady in your children's lives. 

It is a Magnetic Note Holder with "Hugs and Kisses" Coupons!

I started making these note holders years ago when I came across this adorable book, Mommy Hugs, and its equally adorable companion, Daddy Kisses. (You will probably want to check back in June for the Father's Day craft based on Daddy Kisses. It is a fun one, too.)

The note holder is magnetic so that it can hang on the refrigerator or a file cabinet to hold the "Hugs and Kisses" Coupons until they are all used up ~ which never takes long! Then it can hold that grocery store list that needs to be filled or that reminder to keep the Doctor's appointment on Thursday.

Over the years, I have changed the "Hugs and Kisses" Coupons but each set has always featured special kinds of animal hugs and kisses such as a "monkey tickle" or a "kitty cuddle" or a "hen peck". 

The only one I never change is the "bear hug". That one is my all-time favorite! And is always included!

The little ones delight in the names for the animal hugs and kisses. :o) They enjoy talking about each animal as they color and decorate their coupons. Many of them like to add their own embellishments to the coupons ~ like free-hand hearts or their names or "Mom". (Great fine motor activity!)

Another thing they enjoy is discussing the reason for the bow on the finger. I always explain that some people like to tie a string on their finger to help them remember something. With our bow, we are reminding our Moms that we love them. 

"Don't forget ~ I love you!" is the message we are giving our Moms. 

Let's get started with our Magnetic Note Holder:

Supplies Needed:
Card stock 
(skin colors)
Pattern for the "I Love You" hand
Tacky glue
Heart sticker
Magnetic pieces
Copies on coupon 
(pictured below)
(pictured below)

I always buy card stock in different shades so that the children can choose what color they want their hand to be.  I found this pack at Michael's yesterday. It contains the 3 shades that I used for my storytime today. Or if you already have white card stock or construction paper, you can let your child color the hand.

          ***Trace and cut out hand. (You can actually use your child's hand to make it more personal. Just cut out a regular hand shape and then fold down the two middle fingers and glue them in place to represent the "I love you" sign. Or if you want the template for the one I used, you can contact me at storytimeabcs(at)gmail(dot)com.)

          ***Cut and tie ribbon.

          ***Cut magnetic strip into two small pieces to fit on the clothespin.

          ***Glue heart sticker, and ribbon to the hand. Glue the hand on one side of the clothespin and the two magnets to the other side.

Front and back of Note Holder:

          ***Color and decorate the coupons. Add embellishments such as child's name or hearts.

And there you have it! Simple and fun!

 I hope you get a chance to share these sweet books with your child/ren and that you enjoy making a "Don't Forget ~ I Love You" Magnetic Note Holder for the special ladies in their lives. They will love them! I guarantee it!

If you make the craft, please stop back by and share a picture. I would love to see a picture of your child's version and the person s/he gave it to. :o)

Have a

And, as always, 



  1. This is adorable! Having one of these hanging on the fridge from my kids would bring a smile to my face every day. :) I just put the books on my library list for this week.

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment, Rachel! I hope you and your little ones enjoy the books!

  2. Wow- I am constantly amazed at how creative everyone is out her in the blogosphere! Great stuff!

    New follower from the blog hop. I'd love to have you stop by and check out my blog. I host a Weekend Blog Walk that runs Friday night to Sunday, and I co-host Mom's Monday Mingle and Favorite Product Friday. I hope you can stop by and visit!

    Jessica @ http://www.athometake2.blogspot.com

    1. Hi, Jessica! So happy you stopped by! I will definitely be checking out your blog and the weekend Blog Walk. I love making new friends and finding new blogs to explore.

      I hope you will stop back by again soon! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. This is great! Thanks and Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Thank you, Jane! I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day, too!

