Friday, May 11, 2012

Flannel Friday: My Mommy Is Special!

Happy Flannel Friday!


to all the Moms and Grandmothers, too!

My contribution this week is Flannel Friday-inspired by Mollie at What Happens in Storytime... and also by these lovely felt "Moms" and "Daughters" made by Shelia at Note Songs.

Watch for the surprise!

M - O - M - M - Y
Sung to: "BINGO"

I have a very special friend 
And Mommy is her name-o!
M - O - M - M - Y
M - O - M - M - Y
M - O - M - M - Y
And Mommy is her name-o!

Here comes the surprise!

Each flower has a different Mommy on the other side!
So as you sing the song, each time you will turn a flower over to reveal a new Mommy.
For each new Mommy, you will add a kiss instead of singing the letter.

For example, the 2nd verse would be:

I have a very special friend 
And Mommy is her name-o!
(Kiss) - O - M - M - Y
(Kiss) - O - M - M - Y
(Kiss) - O - M - M - Y
And Mommy is her name-o!

At the end, there will be 5 kisses and 5 Mommies ready for the next song. :o)

Five Pretty Mommies
Sung to: "Five Little Ducks"

Five pretty mommies I once knew.
Cute ones, busy ones, happy ones, too.

But the one in the middle, pretty as can be.
I love her and she loves me!

Down to the grocery store we did go,
Skippety-hop, skippety-hop, to and fro.

But the one in the middle, pretty as can be,
I love her and she loves me!

Here is another song for our lovely Mommies:

Mommy Is Special
Sung to: "Frere Jacques"

Mommy is special.
Mommy is special.
~ If you look ~
~ You will see ~
Someone very special.
Someone very special.
~ It is Mommy! ~
~ It is Mommy! ~

I hope everyone enjoys a delightful Mother's Day with their families! 

If you are looking for a quick, simple, last-minute gift for your children to make for the special lady in their lives, here is the one we made at our Family Storytime last night. 
(Click on the picture for directions on how-to make it.)

And one last song to go with this special Mother's Day gift:

Hugs and Kisses
Sung to; "Frere Jacques"

Hugs and kisses,
Hugs and Kisses,
Just for you!
Just for you!
Just to tell you Mommy,
Just to tell you Mommy,
I love you!
I love you!


And, as always,



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jane! I had lots of fun making this one. :o)

  2. How sweet. They must have LOVED this!!

    1. Yes, they did! It was fun sharing all the different mommies. I love the look on everyone's face when you turn the first flower over to reveal the first mommy for the first time. What a surprise! Lol

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, I did. :o) but I wouldn't have been able to make such different ones if I hadn't come across Shelia's post with all her beautiful Mothers and Daughters made of felt. It is all due to her creativity! Thank you again, Shelia! :o)

  4. What a lovely game with the felt flowers! Great ideas that I am storing away for when I have kids of my own to share a song and a game with :)

  5. What a great list of activities!

    BTW,thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment.Iam very glad o have found your blog.

    Enjoy Teaching English

  6. Love these songs! They are just what I was looking for.
