Friday, May 4, 2012

Flannel Friday: Let's Go on a Bug Hunt!

Happy Flannel Friday, everyone!

I hope your day has been better than mine! I have a poor sick puppy dog and, once again, we were very short-handed at the library. I think that makes 3 weeks now! Uuugh! :o{

I almost decided to skip sharing this week but ~ since I already have the pictures taken ~ why waste'em? Right? LOL!

I'll go ahead and post the pictures and then I'll be back later to share the music and rhymes we enjoyed last at our Family Storytime and Game Night.

Our theme was:

Lots of colorful bugs joined us for storytime!

You can't tell too well from these pictures but each insect had a little ***sparkle*** added due to a touch of glitter. My storytime friends loved the ***sparkle***!

These four bugs were featured in one of my favorite "bug" songs entitled, "Butterfly, Fly". The ladybug, bumblebee, firefly, and butterfly enticed us all to "fly up into the bright blue sky" and "in and out of the leaves on the trees"! 

It is a beautifully done song!

Then I added a few more ***sparkly*** insects to the four above for our "Bug Hunt". (Words to be added here in the very near future.) Here they are! The words to "We're Going on a Bug Hunt!" Just click here.

The books I shared were:
I Love Bugs 
by Emma Dodd


Snappy Little Bugs
a pop-up book 

Since it was also Family Game Night, we played a few games with our bug friends!
We danced with our colorful Rainbow Butterflies.

We played "Pass the Ladybug".
Which soon became "Pass the Ladybug and the Bee"! 

And then the Caterpillar and the Butterfly and even the Spider joined in the fun!

Finally, we ended the night with our last game and our yummy snack:

We pretended to be Bees and Butterflies as we went "Flower Hopping".

Delicious Ladybug Cookies!
I promise to be back tomorrow to flesh out the details of this post. Sorry it is so sketchy! 

I'll also be adding links for more about our Family Game Nights since several readers have asked for more information on what we do for them.

Have a lovely evening! (I am going to go check on my poor sick puppy dog and give her a little loving!

As always,



  1. These bugs are beautiful! What a fabulous job. I need to order Emma Dodd's book - it's an added bonus to find new books with our FF friends. Look forward to your story and would love to know what the Pass the Ladybug game is. Take care of your puppy. Love your post ~ jane

  2. The bugs you made are wonderful! and what fun to play with bugs so maybe when these little ones grow up they won't be like us adults and go ewwwwww ... they'll remember what fun they had with them and how beautiful they are. Wonderful, fun post!

  3. Your game night looks so fun and the cookies are adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I am making this story for group time

  5. An all natural treatment for bed bug infestation is highly recommended. Diatomaceous soil is considered as one of the most effective ways to deal with cracks and holes. ריסוס עכברים
