Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Guest Post: Five Red Foxes


This week I have a Guest Post from Tami. She is sharing the swap item that she sent to Katie B. during our First Annual Storytime Swap.

Here is what Tami has to say:
"I saw a fox made out of origami paper that had red on one side and white on the other. When it was folded it made the "cheeks" of the fox. So cute! We made them out of construction paper and handed them out on a straw at storytime. Such fun and so easy!

I decided I needed a sturdier version - so these for Katie are out of felt. Could easily be used for other fingerplays or just one fox story."

Aren't they adorable?

(As found on Storytime Sparks blog)

Out in the woods under the sun,
Up ran a red fox and that made one.

One red fox under a sky so blue,
Up ran another and then there were two.

Two red foxes sitting by a tree,
Up ran another and then there were three.

Three red foxes trotting by the shore,
Up ran another and then there were four.

Four red foxes watching a beehive,
Up ran another and then there were five.

Five red foxes sunning by the shore,
One went swimming and then there were four.

Four red foxes underneath a tree,
One chased a squirrel and then there were three.

Three red foxes looking for something new,
One found some berries and then there were two.

Two red foxes having so much fun,
One chased a butterfly and then there was one.

One red fox enjoying the bright sun,
It ran home for supper and then there were none.

Pieces you need for a felt Red Fox:

Thank you, Tami, for participating on the Storytime Swap and for sharing these cute little felt foxes with us on the Flannel Friday Round-Up this week. 

I always love to share a rhyme that is a count-up as well as a count-down rhyme. It is good for counting practice. :o)

I will definitely be making these for my storytime friends! 


  1. These are really cute! They would be a great craft or take-home activity so kids can retell the story.

  2. The fox face/head is so simply perfect. Need to add to my list of flannels to make. And craft for kids to take. thanks ~ jane

  3. Adorable! I think foxes are under-appreciated in children's lit.

  4. Anne, I agree! Foxes are under-appreciated in Kid Lit! LOL

    I smile every time I look at these little guys. They are so cute!

    Thanks for sharing, Tami!

    ~ K ~

  5. I love this rhyme! And the foxes make me want to squee!

  6. Too cute, would work with the book One Fine Fox.
