Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's a Party!

It's a PARTY and we're all invited!

This is my first ever Blog Party! And I am thrilled to be a part of the Ultimate Blog Party 2012 (UBP) this year. It is once again sponsored and hosted  by the ladies at

Welcome to my blog! 

I am a new blogger so I am learning new things everyday. It is exciting to have an opportunity like this to meet other bloggers and to have a chance to visit all of your awesome blogs!

Let me introduce myself. I am K and the most important thing in my life is being the mother of 4 awesome guys

I have often been told that:

But my guys have shown me that Heaven is having them in my life everyday! I love being their Mom!

I also love my job!

I am a "Storytime Presenter" at my local library. It is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have ~ if you love children and books ~ and I most definitely love both!

I also love sharing creative ideas with the parents ~ so that they can help their child learn about the world around them and they can have fun together. I usually do this through Activities, Books, Crafts, and Snacks at my weekly storytimes

That is how my blog got its name: 


As a mom of 4 very active young guys and a former preschool teacher, I learned very quickly how important it is to keep active little minds and little hands busy! And working in the Children's Department of a very busy Florida library, I have learned that children need to be introduced to books and to reading through exciting and engaging activities. 

Keeping those lessons in mind, this blog is a collection of all the FUN that the little ones and I have had over the years or will have in the coming months. I hope you will come back and look around often ~ especially if you have a young child in your life

There will be lots of learning and laughter and memory-making 
throughout this blog! 
You won't want to miss it, do you?

Here are a few of the memories that we have already made:

Cookie Stacking with the Cat in the Hat

Rainbow Dancing!

A wonderful book filled with animals made from hearts!
A gorgeous book about Springtime: Mouse's First Spring

Snowglobe that really snows! So fun to play with!

A fly-eating frog hat 


Rainbow Cookie ~ Yum! Yum!
Snowmen Bagels ~ Delicious and healthy!
Oh, and you will also find posts about ways to take a cool, inexpensive purchase at the store and turn it into a fun learning game. These posts are listed under:

Color Matching Cupcake Relay

And for those of you who like Blog Hopping, we have some "hopping" going on:

A current one: Frog ABC'S Blog Hop
I have loved showing you a bit of what I have on my blog. :-) I hope you enjoyed your first visit.

Now that you know a little about me, I would love a chance to get to know you!

Please leave a comment below with a link to your blog. I will make it a point to stop by and visit you. AND I will be do a drawing with your comment as your entry. I will be giving away one of my favorite children's books!

Have fun as you continue visiting more blogs and partying with all your new blogger friends! And don't forget to enter for a chance to win tons of awesome prizes from the ladies at the Ultimate Blog Party 2012! Enjoy!

And as I always say,



  1. Great blog! I could definitely use some new tips and tricks for keeping my little ones busy. We LOVE story time at the library, it's where we do all our Mother Goosein! Following you back, so nice to meet you!

  2. I'm visiting from UBP12 - Cute ideas! I'm looking forward to following you more!

  3. We need more people like you! Must be so satisfying to see the kids faces light up when you're reading and doing activities with them. Love the craft ideas. Welcome to the blogging world! :) #UBP12

  4. Congrats on the new blog! I'm relatively new to blogging, and feel like I'm always learning too. So I don't consider myself an expert at all, but if you have any questions I'd be happy to try and help. Good luck!

  5. Hello! I'm so happy that you stopped by The Messy Nest! My main blog is Creative and Curious Kids!- - you may enjoy checking this one out as well. I love sharing ideas for Tots to Elementary aged kiddos. (I'm a former teacher) Anyways- Love your blog and will be following. Happy UBP!


  6. Hi K, Thanks so much for visiting me. Like you I enjoy finding new blogs that I would never have come across if it weren't for the linkys/hops. I've enjoyed reading your blog. I have 3 grandsons and I enjoy doing crafts with them. You have quite a few fun crafts that I can try with them.


  7. Hi K! I'm a former classroom teacher, have my Masters in Library Science with a school focus...and a SAHM to a 3yo and a 4mo. Glad to have found you, I'll be stopping by more often!

  8. Hi K,
    Love that you have 4 boys! You rock. I have 3 girls and 2 boys and 10 grandchildren! lol I also love stories, books, and libraries. Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Take good care of yourself. Happy reading. Janie

  9. Hey there K! I'm stopping by from Along Came the Bird and the UBP12. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. What a fun blog you have! :) I myself taught kindergarten before I had my children and it was so much fun! So I share your love of kids and play and reading. Doing storytime at the library must be so rewarding - you're a lucky lady! I look forward to following your adventures here!

  10. Hopping over from UBP. Glad I made it & met you. I was a public school teacher in another life :-)
    I love books & reading to kids.

    Stop by when you get a chance

  11. Congrats on your new blog. Can't wait to read more articles from you. Very articulately done. Visiting from UBP.

  12. Hi, everyone! I wanted to let you all know that I will be doing the drawing this weekend. I will contact the winner soon after.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit!

    Btw, Good luck to everyone!
