Thursday, April 26, 2012

Flannel Friday Round-Up: April 27, 2012

For some unknown reason, this post disappeared into cyberspace and then made a reappearance after I made a NEW post for the Flannel Friday Round-Up. Please click on this link for the 

for April, 27, 2012

It is a Flannel Friday Round-up!

And guess who is the Host for the Flannel Friday Round-Up this week????

ME! ME!! ME!!!

Can you tell that I am excited?!!???!!

 It is my very first time to host ~ so wish me luck!

If you are looking forward to sharing a Flannel or any other fun storytime idea this week, then this is the place to be! 

Share your links ~ in the comment section below. 

As soon as I see your link and "round it up", you will get a response from me. If I don't give you a timely response, then please assume I haven't seen your post yet and do a little "Hey, look at me!" dance. ;0) 

Or try another way to contact me from the list below.

 I don't want to miss anyone so feel free to bug me as much as you want ~ within reason, of course. LOL! 

I will be at work all day Friday but I will be checking here, Facebook, Twitter and my email throughout the day.

Be sure to bookmark this post because this is where the Flannel Friday Round-Up for April 27, 2012 will magically appear ~ sometime late Friday evening or very early Saturday morning. 

The exact time is your guess as good as mine! It will depend on how well my tech-skills hold out and how kind my computer and/or IPad want to be tomorrow.

Hope to hear from LOTS and LOTS of you!

Here's how to contact me:

***Leave your link in the comments below

***Email me:

***Leave your comment and link on FB (there will be a thread going for this week's FFRU):

***Tweet me on Twitter: @storytimefun 
             Don't forget to include the hashtag #flannelfriday and my Twitter name

Hope I haven't forgotten anything. Let me know if I have, okay?

Enjoy the rest of your week!


  1. I've posted two ideas on my blog at
    One for May Day & one for Arbor Day.

  2. Hi!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Michael! I love your idea! :o)

  3. Here is mine!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I got it. :o)

      Btw, that last picture is hysterical! And so cute!
