Thursday, April 26, 2012

Flannel Friday Round-up: April 27, 2012

Drumroll, please!

This week's Flannel Friday Round-Up is ready to be unveiled!

And what an AWESOME group of posts we have this week! Everyone has done a beautiful job!

First, Jane at Piper Loves the Library has a before and after flannelization of one of my favorites, Little White Duck. Her original flannel looks wonderful ~ even after 25 years!
This is the before ~ now you really have to see the after!

Sandy at Storytime Sparks as a fun May Basket rhyme and a new creative take on Monkeys in the Tree for Arbor Day. I love the counting up and then counting down again!

Lisa at Libraryland shares the new storytime favorite, Pete the Cat. She even gives a sneak preview of Pete's new book that is coming out in May. How cool is that?

Sarah at Read, Sarah, Read shares an interactive storytime based on one of her favorite books, Trashy Town. I know my storytime friends will love her "trash" ideas!

Okay, most of you know how much I LOVE rainbows! So this next post had me from the get go! But ~ I never thought about how to make a "Kitten Rainbow" before, have you? Well, if you haven't either then we are all in luck because Miss Courtney at Miss Courtney Meets BoBo has some very colorful kittens for us. And she has a rhyme and a story about them, too.

Katie at Recipe for Reading has "an oldie but a goodie" for us! Her little ducks are adorable! Plus she shares a link to some colorful dinosaurs, too.

Lucy at In the Children's Room has bravely shared what she calls a flannel "flop". I'm sure we all have had one! And as Lucy says, " ...when that happens you focus on the positive, figure out what you can learn from the experience and move on." I admire the way Lucy learns and moves on even if I don't completely agree with her definition of  a "flop". :o) Her dragons looked good to me! I think sometimes we are harder on ourselves than we need to be...

Katie at Storytime Katie has some real puppy-attitude going on with her totally adorable puppy puppets. Each one has his/her own personality. 
Aren't they precious?
Monica at Ram Sam Storytime has an Earth Day storytime that features a rhyme about Five Little Worms and the work they do to make "dirt from their garbage lunch". Don't you just love those eeewy, yucky, wiggly worms?  The kids sure will! ;o)

Andrea at Rovingfiddlehead Kidlit has a Flannel Friday-inspired post about some very colorful and unique socks. She also mentions several fun books about socks including a newer one by Bob Shea.

Michael at Guybrarian has a super creative storytime prop that is unbelievably cute! His Rabbit in Carrot creation was conceived when he could not find the one he was looking for. I honestly doubt that the one he was looking for could be any cuter than the one he made! And accompanying rhyme just adds more cuteness points!
I love this rabbit!

Sharon at Rain Makes Applesauce shares a singing chick. What's not to love about a singing chick? Well, you'll have to ask Fox, Wolf, and Bear! I'm sure they can tell you. ;o) Be sure to take an extra long look at Bear. He is a character!

Sarah at Read It Again! shares a colorful "Things That Go" version of Bill Martin's Brown Bear, Brown Bear. She also shares some very good words of wisdom that were inspired by this little guy:

Linda at Notes from the Story Room is kind enough to share some ideas for class visits to the library. She mentions ways to keep the children's attention and she talks about the importance of changing things up from year to year. 

Seth at The Voices Inside My Headphones has some awesome advice for running a Legos Club. He openly shares the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thanks, Seth!

Kari Ann at My Storytime Life is sharing an exhilarating ride with horse and his animal friends through the medium of a Box Story based on Clip Clop! So much excitement!

Danielle at A Bad Case of Books has created some very cute baby kangaroos along with a Mama kangaroo with a pouch! So fun!

Meghan at Busy Crafting Mommy shares several flannel ideas for a balloon and kite storytime. She also included a very creative "string" story based on the book, Someone Bigger. I really love how it is interactive and gets the children involved in the storytelling!

Mollie at What Happens in Storytime has an early Mother's Day gift for all us Moms! I always enjoy how she sneaks in the letter recognition and early literacy skills by doing a fun song. Great idea!

Shawn at Read, Rhyme & Sing is also sharing some ideas for a Mother's Day storytime. She recommends two wonderful books ~ the second one is a personal favorite of mine! I always loved getting bear hugs from my own four awesome boys! Still do actually! Hugs are the BEST!

And, finally, here's my Flannel Friday contribution. It is a flannel version of one of my all-time favorite frog stories ~ The Wide-Mouthed Bullfrog.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Flannel Friday Round-Up. I have honestly had a BLAST hosting this week! Thank you for the opportunity!

I hope it was okay to use a few pictures just to spice up the list and entice you to click ALL of the links ~ because you never know what is waiting for you at the other end!

Please note: If I used your picture and you prefer that I not, please email me at and I will remove it from the post.

If I have missed anyone, please accept my deepest apologies and let me know in the comments below so that I can add you immediately!

Have a lovely and relaxing weekend, everyone! :o)


  1. Spectacular round up this week. Love the addition of pictures! Thanks to Kay Leigh and all the contributors!

    1. Thanks, Shawn! I'm glad you liked it. :o) It was fun to host!
