Saturday, July 21, 2012

Flannel Friday: Guest Post

This week for Flannel Friday we have a Guest Poster! How exciting!

Please welcome Julie to her first Flannel Friday Round-Up!

Julie is a preschool teacher who found Flannel Friday through my blog a few weeks ago and she says she has been following Flannel Friday each week since. :o) She contacted me through email last week to request the Octopus Finger Puppet pattern that I shared in our last Flannel Friday Round-Up.

Through our emails, we started chatting about teaching preschool and all the fun learning activities that we each liked to use in our classrooms and at our storytimes/circletimes.

Julie had such wonderful ideas that I asked if she had a blog and would like to join the FFRU. She responded back that she did not have a blog ~ yet. That is when I remembered that awhile back I had hosted a Guest Poster. I offered to host Julie this week. She loved the idea! So she sent me a few pictures and a short description of one of her favorite fingerplays.

Without further chit-chat, here is Julie's wonderful contribution to this week's Flannel Friday Round-Up (in her own words):

"Hi. I'm Julie. I teach 3 year olds at a sm private preschool. My students love when I use my flannel board. I'm very excited to find your group for that reason. Thanks for letting me join this week. Special thanks to K for making this possible! Here's a rhyme that we do together. It's good for counting. Good for teaching science, too.

Five Little Seeds
Five little seeds,
Five little seeds.
Three will make flowers,
And two will make weeds.
Under the leaves,
And under the snow,
Five little seeds are
Waiting to grow.
Out comes the sun,
Down comes a shower.
And up come the three,
Pretty pastel flowers.
Out comes the sun,
That every plant needs,
And up come two,
Funny old weeds.

When we do rhyme I put 5 felt seeds on the board. Count to 5 after saying five little seeds the second time. When we say 3 will make flowers we hold up 3 fingers on 1 hand. When we say 2 will make weeds we hold up 2 fingers on other hand. I have felt leaves & felt snowflakes that I place on the board for the next 2 sentences. Count the 5 seeds again. Take away leaves & snowflakes & add felt sun & felt rain cloud. Takeaway all items on board & put up 3 flowers counting 1, 2, 3. Return sun to board & add 2 felt weeds.

My flowers:

They're not made of felt like my other pieces for this rhyme. They're made from fun foam. They came from kit for making princess tiaras. I had left overs & made them adding a felt circle on the back for the flannel board. 

I don't have a picture of other items because they're in with other flannel sets. I reuse my flannel pieces when I can. I dug out the flowers to share how I made them. You can't see the felt on the back in the other picture. I used black felt because my flannel board is black. This picture you can see.
All foam pieces had sticky on the back. Very easy to put together! I hope you like the rhyme & flowers. Thanks for letting me join this week. Maybe I can join again next week."

Thank you, Julie, for sharing this week! I love your idea of using your leftovers from craft kits. And the flowers are beautiful!

I am hosting the Flannel Friday Round-Up this week, You will find it here.

If you are interested in learning more about the Flannel Friday group, please check out their website here.

If you would like to contribute to a future Flannel Friday Round-Up but ~ like Julie ~ you do not have a blog yet, please contact me at 

We can figure out ~ together ~ how to best share your ideas with the group.
I really enjoy hosting Guest Posters. I hope you will consider being one!

1 comment:

  1. I usually don't care for rhymes about seeds growing into flowers, but I LOVE THIS ONE! What did your weeds look like?
