Saturday, February 22, 2014

Guest Post: Color Cats

I am very excited to be hosting a Guest Post this week. My Guest is Melody who is a Pre-K teacher working with 15 four year olds. She "uses her magnetic and flannel boards quite often" and is "very happy to have found Flannel Friday and Storytimes and More On the Go through one of the past Saturday Share posts.

Welcome to both groups, Melody! We all are happy to have you join us and can't wait to enjoy your ideas!

From Melody:

"My share this first week is a magnetic board set. My preschool kids can't get enough of this rhyme. They pretend to be cats almost every day!

For this activity cut out cat shapes in all colors in rhyme. We have a machine so it's super easy of me! 

Kids decorate the cats with crayons or markers. Attach popsicle sticks to backs to make puppets. 

Have kids sit in a circle. Ask each kid to name color of his cat puppet. Read poem and put correct cat on magnetic board. As kids hear color names have them raise their cats and say, "Mee-ow!"

Color Cats

When the cat that is RED
Is finally fed,
He raises his head
And says - "Mee-ow!"

When the cat that is BLUE
Has nothing to do,
He comes up, too,
And whispers - "Mee ow!"

When the cat that is YELLOW
Is feeling mellow,
He tends to stretch
And bellow - "Mee-ow!"

When the cat that is BROWN
Starts stalking the town,
You'll hear his sound
When he cries - "Mee-ow!"

When the cat that is GREEN
Is finally seen,
You'll know what I mean
When I say he can really - "Mee-ow!"

When the cat that is BLACK
Arches his back, 
He has an uncanny knack
Of screeching - "Mee-ow!"

When the cat that is WHITE
Comes into your sight.
You very well might
Hear his famous - "Mee-ow!"

Okay, little cats,
Let's hear some "Mee-ows!"
And now it's time
For curtsies and bows.

I often leave my Color Cats out in our literacy center to allow kids to play-teach with them. They really love it!"


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