Thursday, October 3, 2013

Flannel Friday Round-Up: Halloween Extravaganza ~ 2013

This week we have a 
Special Flannel Friday Round-Up!

It is our 2nd 
Halloween Extravaganza!

There are lots of creative and fun ideas to share this week, so grab a cup of your favorite beverage and start click-click-clicking!


Kathryn at Fun with Friends at Story Time is sharing a "not-so-scary" scarecrow with us. He is as cute as the buttons on his face! There is a "Let's Build a Scarecrow" rhyme and a link to one of my favorite scarecrow songs, "Dingle Dangle Scarecrow". Be sure to click the link!

Lisa at Libraryland was inspired by a past Flannel Friday post to do her own version of "Brown Bat, Brown Bat". Lisa's pieces are bright, colorful, and simple to make ~ especially if you have the diecuts. Her black cat is my favorite!

Bridget at What is Bridget Reading? crocheted some sweet Sesame Street-style monsters with pom pom noses! She includes four counting rhymes (two are "library-style") and a bonus flannel board set. She is a talented lady!

Christine at Felt Board Ideas presents us with her nighttime version of "Five Little Fluffy Owls". Her night sky background just adds to the beauty of her felt pieces! 

Tara at Storytime with Miss Tara and Friends also has owls to share this week ~ along with several other woodland creatures. Her flannel is based on "One Little Owl" which is a different kind of counting song. So cute! Tara is a librarian after my own heart ~ she does sign language with her storytime friends, too. I love it!

Anne at So Tomorrow has written a Draw and Tell Story for her storytime friends. It is "The Pumpkin Patch" and she has included the words and drawing instructions. If you have never tried a Draw and Tell story before, this one just might be the one to start with.

Linda at Notes From the Story Room is also sharing an original Draw and Tell story this week. Her story is "Shadows on the Moon" and Linda also includes the words along with drawing instructions so that anyone can easily replicate her surprise picture. It is always fun to see if storytime friends can figure out the picture before the end of the story.

Shaia at Thrive After Three was inspired by a post from last year's Flannel Friday Halloween Extravaganza to paint her own gorgeous version of "10 Timid Ghosts". I am completely impressed with Shaia's artistic talents and her creative genius of using a canvas board for her background. What a fun idea! This is definitely being added to the very TOP of my TBM (to be made) pile for my Giggling Ghosts storytime in two weeks.

We have another ghost story from Storytime With the Library Lady! Perfect for an Halloween Extravaganza! It is a LARGE version of the book, The Ghost's Dinner, cleverly made from poster board. It is a huge folder story!

Leah at Time for Storytime  combines felt and puppetry (I adore that combination!) to tell the story of "Mouse's Halloween House". She mentions several Flannel Friday friends who inspired her this week. With her winning combination of felt and puppetry, i think Leah will be inspiring a few future Flannel Friday post herself!

Katie at Storytime Secrets is such a dedicated children's librarian that she has shared her original Halloween-themed idea ~ even though she is "officially no longer employed as a children's librarian". Her "Knock! Knock! Trick or Treat!" flannel board rhyme is a must-havee for anyone doing a Halloween theme for even the youngest storytime friends. It is adore-ably simple with just the right amount of spooky fun! Thanks for sharing this week and enjoy the new adventures ahead of you, Katie!

Sue at Let the wild Rumpus Start is going a little bat-ty this week with five smiling bats! She shares "Five Little Bats" which can be sung to the familiar tune of "Six Little Ducks". 

Sue at Let the Wild Rumpus Start has also gone above and beyond with another contribution this week! I am totally, completely in love with her original rhyme, "That's a Costume". Besides addressing a very timely topic, Sue has creatively presented it in an age-appropriate format. Very child-friendly! I am sure her storytime parents appreciate this gentle little reminder that this time of year is all about pretending. Sue.gets my vote for Super Librarian this week!!!

Speaking of Super Librarian, that is just who I was this week for our Superheros Storytime and Family Game Night. For this month in our Thursday Night Family Storytimes, we are following the theme of "Let's Pretend" and we kicked off the month with Superheros! Check out my colorful Superhero version of "Brown, Brown Bear, What Do You See?". It is a magnetic board set and is titled, "Super Friend, Super Friend, Who Do You See?" My storytime friends became "storytellers" as they helped me tell the story with the help of our Super Friend magnetic pieces. I hope you like it!

Katie at Storytime Katie is doing a little pretending of her own with two awesome astronaut finger puppets. Katie confesses that she always wanted to dress up as an astronaut. Who hasn't, right? Let's all blast off with Katie and her awesome astronauts for some exciting sace adventures!

Jenna at Stories with Ms Jenna has created some adorable little kittens to help her tell the ever popular rhyme, "The Three Little Kittens". She even includes a Mommy cat, a clothesline for drying the mittens, a pie, and a mysterious little mouse. Hmmm...

Meg at Miss Meg's Storytime is sharing her fun, colorful version of "Old MacDonald". And she even includes a printable link to the clip art she used! This flannel board is perfect for adding a little print awareness to a very popular song. Great idea, Meg

And that concludes our

2nd Annual

Flannel Friday 
Halloween Extravaganza!

Want to find out more about the AWESOME Flannel Friday Family?

Find out all about Flannel Friday on the our very own website. Features include past round ups and host schedule and how to participate.

Scan the Flannel Friday posts on Pinterest

Discuss storytime and flannelboards on the Flannel Friday Facebook Page or on Twitter with the hashtag #FlannelFriday.

See you next week when our host will be Lisa at Libraryland!


  1. Here's my Halloweenish post. Thanks for hosting this extravaganza this week!

  2. Three Little Kittens!

  3. Inspired by Mel's Desk, here is my Brown Bat, Brown Bat:

  4. Here's a link to my crocheted monsters and 2 sets of original rhymes. It will post tomorrow at 6:00am EST.

  5. Hi, this blog entry of mine might work into a Halloween theme:

  6. Mine will be here:

    I may have a second one but I'm not sure if I will finish on time.

  7. Here's mine that's inspired by last year's Halloween Extravaganza!

  8. My original rhyme called "Knock Knock! Trick or Treat!" will go live at Midnight Eastern tonight!

  9. Sorry mine is not Halloween!!

  10. Here is my owl post. I included a flannel song about owls (and a couple other woodland critters who are hanging out in the same tree).

  11. Pardon if this is a repeat. This is an original poem and felts to go along to help kids remember that "It's just a costume!"

  12. My contribution is also a draw and tell story.

  13. Mine is here:

    Thanks for hosting!

  14. I thought that I'd posted this in a past year, but I haven't so I've updated the post for this year. It's "The Ghost's Dinner". Thanks for hosting, Kay!

  15. Here's my version of Judy Sierra's Mouse's Halloween House:

    Thanks for hosting!
