Friday, November 2, 2012

Not a Flannel Friday: Owl-rific Rhyme and Game


One Little Owl
(Rhyme and Game)

One little owl up where the wind blew,
Wished for a friend and that made two.

Two little owls snuggled high in a tree,
Wished for another friend and that made three.

Three little owls looking down at the forest floor,
Wished for another friend and that made four.

Four little owls sitting side by side,
Wished for another friend and that made five.

Five little owls doing lots of tricks,
Wished for another friend and that made six.

Six little owls hooted, “Whoo, whoo, whoo,”
Then they all flapped their wings and away one flew.

Have the children close their eyes as you say, “whoo, whoo, whoo” and have them flap their arms like wings until you say the word “flew”, Then they can open their eyes and try to guess which owl flew away.

For younger children, you can have them guess by colors. For older children you can have them guess by number or by both.
For an even more difficulty level, you can start with owls all over the place (below) ~ instead of in a numerical line (above) ~ and then the children will have to search a little harder to figure out who is missing.

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