Friday, October 19, 2012

Not a Flannel Friday: Ghostly Props

It's time for



 I missed out on sharing last week so I am very happy to have something to share this week. :o)

This week is not a flannel set but it is a fun, inexpensive idea to add a little glow-in-the-dark ghostly excitement to your Halloween or pumpkin storytimes.

While shopping for a Halloween Spook-tacular yesterday, I came across some very cute window clings.

Looking at them started me thinking about several books, songs and fingerplays that I could use them with. I loved the idea of something new that took little to no effort ~ just a little money ~ from me. Plus I really LOVED the idea that some of them glow-in-the-dark ~ a perfect addition to my October Pajama Party when we turn out the lights for our short children's movie following storytime.

The first way I used them was based on the book:

Five Spooky Ghosts
written by Salina Yoon

 Here is how it starts:

 "Five spooky ghosts haunt a pumpkin patch."

Out of respect for Ms Yoon, I will only share a few sentences here. I highly recommend that you look for the book at your library. It is a fun one for even the littlest of ghosts!
 "Four spooky ghosts..."

"Three spooky ghosts..."

"Two spooky ghosts are scared by a bat."

"One spooky ghost yells..."

Be sure to check out the book so that you can find out what happens when
everyone hears the ghost yell, "Boo!"

The second activity that I used my glow-in-the-dark window clings for is an oldie but goodie! It is:

Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
(Count pumpkins together.)
The first one said, "Oh, my! It's getting late!"
(Point to each pumpkin as you say the rhyme.)

The second one said, "There are ghosts in the air."
(Add ghosts to board.)
The third one said, "But we don't care!"
The fourth one said, "I'm ready for some fun."
The fifth one said, "Let's run and run and run."

"Oooooh!" went the wind.
And out when the lights!
(Have someone flip off the light.)
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.
(Place "Happy Halloween" on the board and remove
pumpkins as you turn the light back on.)

I tried to take a picture of the board with the lights out. It didn't turn out very good but here it is:

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of using window clings! They would work perfectly on a magnetboard.
