Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Flannel Friday: Giggling Ghost Fun!

It's Friday again!

Time for some 



Giggling Ghosts

Last week I presented some unusual "ghostly props" that were lots of fun with the little ones so... this week, I would like to share another equally fun "ghostly prop" for storytimes that is actually a "ghostly POP" ~ as in lollipop! :o)

 It is a
"Giggling Ghost Pop

Yum! Yum!

I use this prop to help me introduce the idea of Halloween to even my youngest groups of storytime friends. It provides an age-appropriate way to talk about all the scary things we all see around us at this time of year. Remember, no matter how hard a parent might try, their child will encounter "scary" or "spooky" things on television, in the stores, at other people's homes, etc. 

***It is practically impossible to shelter a child completely from Halloween images.*** 

Because of this near impossiblility, I try each year to empower the parents at my storytimes by sharing ways that they can help their child/ren to deal with this time of year.

My Giggling Ghost Pop is made from a large lollipop and other items you will probably find around your home, classroom, or library. Here is a list of supplies for my large Giggling Ghost Pop:

Large lollipop
Two sheets of white paper towels
Thin ribbon (Mine is purple)
Black marker

To make the Giggling Ghost Pop:

1.  First, lay the paper towels on top of each other ~ kind of cattywompus. Then lay the large lollipop in the center.

2. Wrap the paper towels around the large lollipop and tie with the ribbon tightly around the top of the stick. 

3. Last ~ but not least! ~ draw a silly ghost face with the black marker.

Now, the Giggling Ghost Pop is ready for some storytime fun!

I begin the ghostly portion of my storytime by talking about all the scary things that we see around us at this time of year. I ask if the children have ever looked closely at the things that are spooky or scary to them. After a short discussion, I mention that:

"Sometimes ~ when we think something is spooky or scary, it really isn't! 

To see what I mean, let's take a look at a silly ghost. (I bring the ghost pop out from behind my back and yell, "BOO!") 

Was that scary?

Well, this is a silly ghost. He is lots of fun to play with. He likes to fly around as I say this fun rhyme":

The Ghosts Fly In

The ghosts fly in.
The ghosts fly out.
The ghosts are certainly
All about!

The ghosts fly high.
Then dive down low.
They're always spooky 
Wherever they go!

The ghost fly around
All dressed in white.
Did you ever see 
Such a spooky sight?

I fly the ghost pop in and out, up and down, and all around as I recite the poem. If the little ones are laughing then I fly it close to them. If they seem a little hesitant then I fly it close to a couple of adults. At the end, I ask if anyone can guess what is underneath my ghost.

I usually get lots of different answers but, almost without fail, I will have at least one child guess correctly. That is when I take the "ghost costume" off the yummy lollipop and we discuss the idea that if you look closer at the things that scare you, you will often find something silly, friendly, or even yummy underneath.

I have had many, many parents over the years come back after Halloween and thank me for this particular discussion. They are often surprised at how well their child understood the idea behind looking closer at what appears to be scary or spooky. Several have shared anecdotes with me about how their child has repeated parts of our storytime discussion to a sibling, a young friend, or even to a grandparent. And many more have reported that their child has wanted to make ghost lollipops for their friends for Halloween! I love that!

As a treat for the end of our Giggling Ghost programs, I do have ghost lollipops and a copy of the rhyme for each child to take home. Sometimes, we have to search our "haunted library" to find the ghost pops. When I do the search, I usually allow the children to find two ghosts ~ one for each hand. 

The smaller ghosts are made with Dum Dum suckers, yarn, and tissues. A very inexpensive and fun treat! I often don't even add a face to the ghosts because I encourage the families to add the faces at home while talking about feelings. One ghost might have a happy face. Another one might be sad, scared, or surprised! Great opportunity for extending the storytime discussion into each home.

I hope you enjoyed our ghostly discussion today. :o) And that you have a SAFE and HAPPY HALLOWEEN next Wednesday! 

And, as always,


For more Flannel Friday Fun please checkout this week's Flannel Friday Round-Up that is being hosted by Lisa on her blog, Libraryland. Enjoy!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Not a Flannel Friday: Ghostly Props

It's time for



 I missed out on sharing last week so I am very happy to have something to share this week. :o)

This week is not a flannel set but it is a fun, inexpensive idea to add a little glow-in-the-dark ghostly excitement to your Halloween or pumpkin storytimes.

While shopping for a Halloween Spook-tacular yesterday, I came across some very cute window clings.

Looking at them started me thinking about several books, songs and fingerplays that I could use them with. I loved the idea of something new that took little to no effort ~ just a little money ~ from me. Plus I really LOVED the idea that some of them glow-in-the-dark ~ a perfect addition to my October Pajama Party when we turn out the lights for our short children's movie following storytime.

The first way I used them was based on the book:

Five Spooky Ghosts
written by Salina Yoon

 Here is how it starts:

 "Five spooky ghosts haunt a pumpkin patch."

Out of respect for Ms Yoon, I will only share a few sentences here. I highly recommend that you look for the book at your library. It is a fun one for even the littlest of ghosts!
 "Four spooky ghosts..."

"Three spooky ghosts..."

"Two spooky ghosts are scared by a bat."

"One spooky ghost yells..."

Be sure to check out the book so that you can find out what happens when
everyone hears the ghost yell, "Boo!"

The second activity that I used my glow-in-the-dark window clings for is an oldie but goodie! It is:

Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
(Count pumpkins together.)
The first one said, "Oh, my! It's getting late!"
(Point to each pumpkin as you say the rhyme.)

The second one said, "There are ghosts in the air."
(Add ghosts to board.)
The third one said, "But we don't care!"
The fourth one said, "I'm ready for some fun."
The fifth one said, "Let's run and run and run."

"Oooooh!" went the wind.
And out when the lights!
(Have someone flip off the light.)
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.
(Place "Happy Halloween" on the board and remove
pumpkins as you turn the light back on.)

I tried to take a picture of the board with the lights out. It didn't turn out very good but here it is:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Flannel Friday: Halloween Extravaganza

Flannel Friday

Halloween Extravaganza!

"It's Halloween night and the moon shines bright. 
We run through the gate and can hardly wait.
We ring the bell and then we yell..."

Sound like an exciting time? 
It is all part of the fun in the book, 

It's Halloween Night!
Written by Jennifer O'Connell
Illustrated by Jennifer Morris

As you will be able to quickly tell, my storytelling pieces are not like the illustrations in the book ~ for the most part. I have had a collection of young "Trick-or-Treaters" that I made many, many years ago and I decided to update them this year. I also added a few new friends, too!

When I first made my original set, they were smaller and they were printed on white paper and then colored with markers. This time around, they are each between 7 and 8 inches tall and made using the cut-paper technique ~ one of my favorite ways to make story pieces.

The pieces I am sharing today are a mix of old and new Trick-or-Treaters. With the help of a special and very talented friend, I was able to make the new ones look very similar to the old ones. Can you guess which ones are the newer friends?

I use them for several activities that I will share at another time but, for now, here are the friends who join me when I share the book, It's Halloween Night!

***Out of respect for the author, I will only share a few of the guessing rhymes.***
But! I think everyone should have this book in their storytime collection for little ones!

"It's Halloween night and I'll be a fright!
With this pointy hat and my spooky cat,
I'm a..."
Then we meet: 
a Ghost!
a Bear!
a Vampire!
and, finally, 

"It's Halloween night. My costume's just right.
With my satin gown and golden crown, 
I'm a..."
What happens next?!??! 

You will have to read the book to find out! ;o) 

But, I will tell you ~ it is Halloween FUN for all!

Now, besides these five cute Trick-or-Treaters, I have more! I use them to tell my Halloween version of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Depending on the program, my Halloween version might be entitled, White Ghost, White Ghost or Black Cat Black Cat. Be sure to check back soon for my full Halloween version. It's Spook-tacular! 

In the meantime, here is a sneak peek at one of my other Trick-or-Treaters:

a Skeleton!

That's it for now. Be sure to check out the rest of the Flannel Friday Round-Up this week being hosted by Mary at her website, Miss Mary Liberry

It is worth a look because:

And, as always,