Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Not a Flannel" Friday: Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere!

It is finally time for some Penguin Fun at my Family Storytime so I thought I would share some of the fun with you, too.

I actually have several penguin activities to share.
Let's start with a playful rhyme that allows you to use ordinal numbers with your little ones, as well as counting up and counting down with a little help from our cute black and white friends.

Five Little Penguins 

Five little penguins,
As happy as could be,
Standing on a rock, 
Looking out at sea.

Crash! Went the waves,
Oh, what a din!
Said the first little penguin,
"Shall we all jump in?"

Said the second little penguin,
"The water's like ice."
Said the third little penguin,
"That's not so nice."

Said the fourth little penguin,
"Let's bask in the sun."
Said the fifth little penguin,
"Hey, that's no fun!"

So the five little penguins
Take a leap and dive 
And splash into the water,
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.

Three seconds later, 
Out they all pop.
And stand once again
Atop the big rock.
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1.

Our second activity is a good one to use with a simple penguin puppet. It is easy to make a puppet for each child by photocopying a small penguin, cutting it out, and taping it to a popsicle stick. 

Or if you have a Ellison diecut machine and a penguin diecut, it is even easier to make a puppet for each storytime friend. ;-)

This activity allows you to demonstrate positional words with even the youngest storytime participants ~ just have the adult do the motions with the puppet for their child.

The Penguins

The penguins are here; the penguins are there.
The penguins, the penguins are everywhere.

The penguins are up; the penguins are down.
The penguins, the penguins are all around.

The penguins are in; the penguins are out.
The penguins, the penguins are all about.

The penguins are low; the penguins are high.
The penguins, the penguins all say "goodbye"!

Another activity that I use with my Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere storytime is the flannel set that I shared a few weeks ago: 

There Was a Little Penguin
(Click on the title for a link to my post.)

For our craft, we made Adorable Penguin Hats so that the children could pretend to be penguins and waddle around in our last two activities.

I'm a little penguin
Black and white,
Short and wobbly,
An adorable sight!

I can't fly at all,
But I love to swim.
So I'll waddle to the water 
And dive right in!

For this rhyme, I teach the sign for penguin, black, and white. We also do motions for "short and wobbly", "fly", "swim", "waddle", and "dive". This particular activity gets numerous requests for repeating it. I usually plan to do it 2 to 3 times. The repetition will help the little ones remember the rhyme so that they can continue to "be penguins" at home. I also send home a flyer with the words and I post them on my library's Facebook page for easy accessibility.

Our last rhyme was also fun to do together with lots more waddling and diving.

Penguin Cheer

I like fishies.
Yes, I do!
When I want fishies,
Here's what I do.
One, two, three...

And finally, here is a picture of one of my storytime friends in her Adorable Penguin Hat

She is so precious!

Here’s Flannel Friday information for this week:

This week’s Flannel Friday roundup is hosted by Katie.

Talk about storytime and flannelboards at the Flannel Friday Facebook Page. Be sure to checkout my Flannel Friday Comment Challenge on the facebook page. This is the fourth week and I am offering an incentitive!

Follow Flannel Friday on Twitter with the #flannelfriday hashtag. (You don’t have to be on Twitter to check this out.)

And, last but not least, if you’re a contributor, there is an awesome blog button from Melissa and you can grab it from the right hand menu at Mel’s Desk!


  1. These penguin felt pieces are adorable!
    I can't imagine doing so many active, crafty things at my storytimes - but I get a lot of preschools so the adult/child ratio is a bit low.

    1. Thanks, Madigan!

      I love doing my penguin programs because there is so much fun stuff to choose from. One thing that I have learned is to have lots of choices ~ then you can mix and match during your storytime and use what is working for each individual group...

  2. found your blog through pinterest. that penguin hat is too too adorable!!!! Came here for the hat & was very surprised to find soooooooo many rockin' ideas to use in my moms group. wish my librarian did these things!!!! thanks!!!!

    1. That is awesome, M A! I only recently found Pinterest myself so I am still learning.

      I am very happy to hear that you can use my ideas for your Moms' group. Let me know if I can answer any questions or help you out in any way.

      Btw, i would love to see a picture or two if you make the hats. It is fun to see how each child's hat turns out differently. :-)

  3. Aww! I love penguins - and it looks like you do, too! In addition to the awesome flannels, I ADORE the penguin hat - that's going on my "to-do" list. :D Thanks for sharing!

    1. Liz, I have a template for the hat that I just need to upload and link to the site. But it is very simple to re-create on your own.

      My storytime parents say that the penguin hat is one of their favorite hat crafts. We do hats quite often because it encourages the children to pretend to "be" the animal or creature from our storytimes. :-)

      I hope your friends have fun being penguins. Let me know how it goes, okay?

  4. I love how you walked through your storytime. It's good to see how the flow goes. I haven't done a penguin storytime in a while. I wonder if I can fit it in before winter is over. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for sharing this post with me. I think we will be making some popsicle stick puppets for our winter weeks!

