Thursday, February 2, 2012

Flannel Friday Guest Post: Five Little Apples

I am so excited because this week I will be posting two Flannel Friday activities! Only one of them is my own contribution. 

The first one ~ this one! ~ is a Guest Post! It is contributed by a fellow Friday Flannel-er and prechool teacher, "Teacher Rich". 

Here is a little information that she shared with me:

"I am a preschool teacher in the Philippines by profession and by heart. My students call me Teacher Rich. I like reading stories to them and it's actually my first time to use a flannel material as a medium for story telling (but it sure won't be the last!) I usually just print and laminate them. I learned about Flannel Friday from Google while searching for flannel patterns. I was very happy to see that there's actually a group for it and I've seen some of the members' work there as well and it has inspired me to start making my own collection of felt board stories."

It is so nice to "meet" someone who is a teacher "by profession and by heart".

Rich, you're children are very lucky to have you as a teacher and we are just as lucky to have you sharing your first flannel creation with us. It is beautiful!

Five Red Apples
(Rhyme found at

Five red apples hanging in a tree
The juiciest apples you ever did see.
The wind came by and gave an angry frown
And one little apple came tumbling down

Four red apples hanging in a tree
The juiciest apples you ever did see.
The wind came by and gave an angry frown
And one little apple came tumbling down

Three red apples hanging in a tree
The juiciest apples you ever did see.
The wind came by and gave an angry frown
And one little apple came tumbling down

Two red apples hanging in a tree
The juiciest apples you ever did see.
The wind came by and gave an angry frown
And one little apple came tumbling down

One red apples hanging in a tree
The juiciest apples you ever did see.
The wind came by and gave an angry frown
And one little apple came tumbling down

Rich is sharing with us a little more information about how she created her first flannel. She has generously included some wonderful pictures to help you create your own set. 

Here are her pictures and her tips for making this gorgeous flannel:

"It's fairly simple to do. I just made patterns before cutting them on flannel (just got regular clip-art online). Traced them onto the flannel and began to cut. I had a problem putting details on the cloud at first. But with the help of the group, Flannel Friday on Facebook, I was able to use a Sharpie and "dotted" the details with it."

Thank you so much, Rich! Such an AWESOME job! I am very impressed with your first flannel and look forward to seeing many more future flannels from you. I am also very happy to have had you as my very first Guest Poster! It has been a delight to host your Flannel Friday contribution.

For this week's Flannel Friday Round-up, please visit Andrea at

Well... I am off now to find some flannel so I can make my own Five Little Apples set. Can't wait to share it with my storytime friends!


P.S. If anyone else would like to be a Guest Poster on my blog, please contact me at ~ I would love to share your contributions for a Flannel Friday or even a blog about a Children's book that you would like to recommend to others. 


  1. Wow! thanks again for sharing my flannel set and for giving me a positive feedback :) I am now very excited to make more!

    1. No, thank YOU, Rich! I was delighted to host your contribution this week. :-) Just contact me when you want to guest post again ~ ANY time! I am looking forward to your next felt set!

  2. Rich, These are terrific. I love the details on the cloud and your clear photographs illustrating your process.

    Kay, thank you for posting this on your blog.

    Miss Leah

  3. Welcome to Flannel Friday, Rich! I am amazed that we have readers all the way on the other side of the world (and delighted!).

  4. Welcome Teacher Rich! I also come from further afield (Scotland) and have found the Flannel Friday-ers to be a wonderfully supportive and informative group. Have fun!
