Friday, February 3, 2012

Flannel Friday: Magical Rainbow Stew

Rainboware MAGICAL ~ in and of themselves ~ but this activity will have your storytime friends asking, "How did you do that? Is it magic?"

This week's Flannel Friday is my version of:


Items needed:
Flannel or Magnetic board
Cauldron or "pot" of some sort
(for stirring)
Colorful fruits 
(made from felt, fun foam or a set of artificial fruit)
Rainbow pieces
(made from felt or fun foam)

We will get to the song in a few minutes but, first, let me explain how I set the activity up and present it ~ in as magical a way as possible...

Before the storytime starts, I place the rainbopieces inside the "pot".
I start the activity by asking the children to help me name the different fruits
as I add them to the board. 
We then practice our color signs for each fruit.
The children should see only an "empty pot" with a stirring spoon throughout the song.
Now we are ready for the song. Please click on the song title for a copy of the words without the pictures.

(Sung to: "Jimmy Crack Corn")

"Take an apple"

"Put it in the pot."

"Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot."
"Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest red you ever did see!"
(Place red rainbow piece on the board with dramatic flair.)

Continue the song ~ taking one fruit at a time off the board, placing it in the pot, stirring with the spoon, and then placing the appropriate rainbow piece on the board. 

"Take the grapes and put them in the pot. Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot."

"Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest purple you ever did see!"

By this time, the children are wide-eyed and usually yelling, "It's a rainbow!" So I congratulate them on helping to magically make a beautiful rainbow from our RainboStew recipe. Then we finish up with this rhyme:

Rainbow Colors

Rainbow purple,
Rainbow blue,
Rainbow green,
And yellow, too. 
Rainbow orange,
Rainbow red,
Rainbow smiling overhead.
Come and count the colors with me.
How many colors do you see?
Up to green
Colors are seen.

I also have a magnetic board version of this song. The rainbow pieces are made from Fun Foam.

The foam pieces have several magnets on the back to make it easier to place them together as a rainbow.

The fruit pieces that I use are artificial fruits that can be found at Michael's or Wal-Mart. I prefer to buy them at Michael's with a 40% off coupon. *Wink*

I have yet to find a blueberry so I made my own by painting a small wooden ball. It has worked just fine. (If you look closely, you can see it by the pear and grapes in the picture above.)

As you may have noticed in the picture, I use this activity with the book, Lunch, written by Denise Fleming. I have several learning activities for this book that I will be sharing in the near future. One is a cute mouse puppet or hat ~ depending on how you want to use it. 

I have also used this activity for a storytime on Spring, Weather, Colors, Fruits and Vegetables, or even Leprechauns and St Patrick's Day. Each time I use it, the children have a BLAST!

I also like to change up how we stir so that I can include sizes and following directions as part of my storytime learning. For example, when it is time for the blueberry, I talk about how small it is. I ask, " Do you think we can get any color from something so small?" We try and it doesn't work. Instead of the blue rainbow piece coming out of the pot after stirring, I just take the blueberry out and act sad and curious. "No blue! It's just the berry. How can we get the blue out? Maybe if we stir really fast? Are you ready? Can you stir fast, fast, fast?" I re-sing that verse and stir fast. Then when the blue rainbow piece appears, we all clap! So much fun!

No matter how many times a child has seen this activity, s/he still participates and has fun.

Thank you for stopping by my blog for another Flannel Friday post. I hope you find many opportunities to share a little Rainbow MAGIC with a child in your life!


By the way, here’s Flannel Friday information for this week:

Andrea has the round up at Roving Fiddlehead Kidlit.

Round up archives and host schedule is at So Tomorrow.

Visually scan all the Flannel Friday posts at Pinterest.

Talk about storytime and flannelboards at the Flannel Friday Facebook Page. Be sure to checkout my Flannel Friday Comment Challenge on the facebook page. This is the second week and I am offering an incentitive!

Follow Flannel Friday on Twitter with the #flannelfriday hashtag. (You don’t have to be on Twitter to check this out.)

And, last but not least, if you’re a contributor, there is an awesome blog button from Melissa and you can grab it from the right hand menu at Mel’s Desk!


  1. Oooohhhhh this is so beautiful! What a great choice of book! I'm going to put this on my to do list :)

    1. Rich, did you see my Flannel Friday Comment Challenge on the FF Facebook page? If you enter the challenge, you could win this or another one of my sets. I hope you will accept the challenge! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, EricaS! I am very happy that you enjoy them. If you have an suggestions for a future post ~ storytime theme, ideas to go with a specific book, new learning ideas for an old flannel board you own, etc ~ just let me know and I will see what I can share. I have been doing this for years and years and years... Well, you get the idea! ;-) LOL!

  3. This is so adorable that I bet the kids just "eat it up!"

    1. LOL! Yes, they do "eat it up"! In fact, I have had a few littles try to do that literally with my artificial fruits. That's why the blueberry always goes straight in my pocket following storytime. I let them play with the other fruits and then wipe them off with a Clorox wipe afterwards. :-) The things we do for our storytime friends! ;-)

  4. Sooo many magical ideas. Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately we don't have the book, so I'll have to scope it out.

    1. Library Quine, that is just one of the books I like to use my rainbow set with. I have used it with many other books and storytime themes. :-) I have used it with What Makes a Rainbow? and Eating the Alphabet ~ just to name a few...

  5. Replies
    1. Aaaw! Thank you, sixcranberries! Many of my posts will include ideas that I have used for years and years. Sometimes they seem a little old to me. :-} But I want to share them because I know their learning potential... It is nice to know that others enjoy the ideas. <3
