Friday, August 1, 2014

Not a Flannel Friday ~ A Little Frozen Fun in Summer!


Well, it has been an extremely long time!

It is good to be back to the blog and the Flannel Friday Round-Up ~ even if it might just be this post for now. 

I have been having tons and tons of FUN planning several 

events at our Library for next week!

Hopefully, I will be able to blog about the whole event soon. But, for now, I wanted to share my Pin the Nose on Olaf game. It is very simple to make! It will be a fun game to play PLUS I am using it as an advertisement for our FROZEN storytimes. I am adding a little bubble burst with all the details for both programs ~ once my little cold-weather friend is laminated. So, here he is...

Drum roll, please!

"This guy is not your everyday snowman.
He walks.
He talks.
He even sings."

OLAF is An Amazing Snowman!

If you are like I was and you haven't seen the movie yet, I really recommend you that you get and enjoy it with your family. My fiance and my 18 year old son actually watched it with me a few nights ago and we had a wonderful time! We all laughed so hard we had to go back and watch parts of it over again because we didn't want to miss anything. Ha ha!

Oh, and let me just give one more recommendation ~ be sure to check out the FROZEN books about our amazing friend, Olaf

My favorite one is 

It is adorable! And fun to read outloud!

Thanks for letting me participate in this week's Round-Up! Even though this was not a flannel, I am considering making another out of flannel because I think it would be an awesome activity to put out in our Children's area for our Library friends to play with.

Enjoy your weekend and