Thursday, January 24, 2013

Flannel Friday: There was a Little...

It's cold outside!

Well. maybe not that cold here in Florida 
but definitely where this week's Flannel Friday friend lives...

Ooooh! A cute little ice bear

polar bear ~
as they are more commonly known.

This one is made from white felt, black embroidery thread for the details on his ears and tail, and a small black bead for his eye. I backed him in stiff black felt so that I could cut the intricate details of his legs and head. He was very quick and easy to create.

For my Polar Friends Storytime, I decided to make this little ice bear to use with the rhyme that I shared last year featuring my penguin friend...

The penguin flannel set was one of the very first felt sets that I made after joining the Flannel Friday group last January. It is "There was a Little Penguin". 

This week, I am changing it to:

There was a Little Ice Bear
(a polar bear version of "There was a Little Turtle")

There was a little ice bear
Who sat on some blocks.
He swam in the ocean 
And he climbed on some rocks.

He snapped at a seagull.
He snapped at a seal.
He snapped at a fish.
What a meal!

You could also do it as " there was a little polar bear". I have used both names at different times with different groups of children ~ depending on the circumstances.

Since we were talking about Polar Friends at this storytime, I brought a globe with me so we could briefly talk about the North and South Poles. 

I mentioned that while you might see penguins and polar bears together in books, they don"t actually live together in the real world. This was a surprise to many of the adults! I guess anyone can learn something new in a Family Storytime. ;o)

I am trying to keep this Flannel Friday post short and sweet so I am going to stop here. I will have more Polar Bear rhymes, fingerplays, and songs soon. Most of them, I have used for more years than I care to count so I don't have any credits to give for them. They are tried and true and lots of fun so be sure to check back soon.

And, as always,


For all you Flannel Friday-ers, Sarah is hosting our Mushy Gushy Round-Up for Valentine's Day ideas this year. I hope you will all head on over and take a peek at the fun.


  1. Well isn't this the cutest? I'm going to share this blog on Feibu and Tweety and hopefully that'll get people seeing the fun reading to children can be. Gracias & BB2U.

    1. Thank you so much, Bohemian Babushka! I saw your tweet on Twitter. It was very sweet of you to share my blog with your followers. I really appreciate it!

      Enjoy your weekend!
      ~ K ~

  2. Kay ~
    The bear is beautiful. He is glorious and gracious and just perfect!
    He looks fluffy! Excellent cutting skills. The stiff felt backing is great, isn't it?
    Adorable rhyme. And I love bringing the globe into story time. Thanks for posting this ~ jane

    1. Thank you so much, Jane! Yes my storytime friends enjoy our globe because it is magnetic and floats in the air. They think it is ***magical***! I'll try to add a picture to my post.

      Enjoy your weekend!
      ~ K ~

  3. I love it! (Plus your scheduled posting worked. I still have to try that sometime.) :)

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I am not sure I want to trust the scheduling yet. I need to try it a few more times. ;o)

      Have a wonderful Saturday!
      ~ K ~

  4. As it is about 9 degrees here, I would love to cuddle up with some bear flannel :D

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Brrrr! It has been almost 13 years since I have been anywhere that cold! Hope you are able to stay warm!

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. I do appreciate hearing from visitors. I clicked on your name and visited your blog, too. I am enjoying the idea of white chili in the crockpot ~ even if it is only getting down to the low 60's here in FL. I think I'll follow your recipe. It looks delicious!

      Have a lovely Saturday!
      ~ K ~

  5. What a great story and activity for this time of year! Thanks!

    Julie @ Naptime Review

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Julie! I always appreciate the encouragement that you and others leave in the comments. Always makes me feel like my efforts to share are worth the time and effort.

      Have a wonderful weekend with your family!
      ~ K ~

  6. Oh I love the idea of bringing in a globe to show the poles! I'm doing a storytime about ice and igloos this week, and I'm totally going to scrounge up a globe to show the kids where eskimos live!
